So, the market is positively boiling and you don’t want to overpay for a property that is going to drop in value once official interest rates hit 7.5% or 8%? So, you decide to sit on your hands and wait until the market drops.
Right strategy? Or costly mistake?
The answer is, like everything in property, not straightforward.
Firstly, the decision to wait really hangs on the timing of the next market slow down. We all know it will happen, but when? Many economists are suggesting that we will experience strong growth for the rest of 2010. If this is the case, then there is no point waiting for prices to gain another 10%+ before easing off a little – get in the market now and enjoy some capital growth!
Or, if the Reserve Bank does decide to rapidly increase interest rates sooner rather than later (though some macro environmental forces seem to be keeping the brakes on its plan to return rates to “normal” levels) , those who buy now may find that they have bought at the peak.
An essential component to this decision making process has to be your time frame. If you are looking to buy a property and renovate for a quick turn-around, then riding the property cycle is extremely risky – but get it right and it could be very profitable. If you are buying an investment for the long term, then as long as you are careful that you buy a quality property and do not get caught up in the current buying frenzy, you should be able to ride out future peaks and troughs in both the sales and the rental markets (assuming of course that you have not borrowed up to the hilt).
Lastly, if you are buying your “20 year home” you might find that suitable properties are few and far between. Your decision whether or not to buy really depends on when you find the right property. If that is now, then pull out all stops and go for it – depending on what you are looking for and where, another may not come up for another 6 or 12 months!
For more information on buying property in Sydney go to www.gooddeeds.com.au.
Making smart home buying decisions will make the home-buying process less stressful and more rewarding. Your post will give the readers a good start in making decisions when purchasing a home. Thanks!
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